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Special Compass Celebrates Michael Sayih’s Appointment to the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

Special Compass is elated to share the news of Michael Sayih’s recent appointment to the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council by Governor Ron DeSantis. This significant moment is a reflection of Michael’s deep-rooted dedication to advocacy and his leadership within our community.

As the President of the Board of Directors at Special Compass, Michael has been a champion and inspiration for individuals with disabilities. His passion has not only shaped our mission but has also resonated throughout South Florida. Special Compass, a nurturing ground for those with limited abilities, embodies the belief that with determination and support, the unimaginable can become attainable. Michael’s journey from a passionate participant to a policy influencer exemplifies our credo: “You can do anything if you put your mind to it.”

An accomplished athlete, Michael’s contributions extend into arenas where camaraderie and team spirit run high – as a greeter for the Florida Panthers and the Miami Dolphins, and within the professional corridors of the Kelly Kronenberg Law Firm. His progression from a graduate of the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council Partners in Policy Making program to an influential member of the council is a well-deserved accomplishment.

Special Compass operates on the foundation that education, sports, and housing are pillars for an independent, inclusive life. We are dedicated to fostering a community where dreams are not just dreamed but lived. Our programs are designed to elevate confidence, self-esteem, and the spirit of achievement, as we encourage our ‘buddies’ to push boundaries and strive for greatness.

As we celebrate Michael’s new chapter, we extend a heartfelt invitation to you. Join us in our mission to transform lives through inclusion. Your support fuels our initiatives and helps create a world where every individual’s potential is recognized and nurtured.

To become a part of this transformative journey, visit our website, engage with us on social media, and step forward to participate in our programs. Let’s continue to guide the compass together – towards a world of independence, confidence, and boundless possibilities.

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